Balboa GS523DZ printed circuit board
This motherboard is a replacement part for the Balboa GS523DZ control system.
To avoid any risk of error while ordering the motherboard, please ensure that you have the correct reference for the control system. The reference is either on the label on the casing or on the bottom-right corner of the motherboard itself. For your information, the reference which appears on the bottom-left corner of the motherboard (GS500Z) does not correspond to the model of the control system. It is only an indication of the basic type of motherboard used.
The GS523DZ also includes the X-P332 C expansion board, to be purchased separately if required, to connect an additional two-speed pump depending on the set-up chosen.
This board is only compatible with Balboa's plastic casings, it will not fit the old metal ones.
2-year Tubs Parts warranty
Part numbers
Balboa: 55857-01