How to choose a jet that fits the hole in your shell

How to choose a jet that fits the hole in your shell - Click to enlarge

Choosing a jet is easy when you have sufficient information: its reference, its dimensions (length, face diameter, thread length...), and even its type of massage.

When you only have a hole in the shell of your spa, the search is more challenging. facilitates your task by listing, depending on the drill diameter in your shell, the socket which will be able to be inserted, and thus which jet you will be able to use to take full advantage of your spa.

To make your search easier, we have separated water jets (used for massage), and air jets, which connect to the blower and produce fine bubbles in your spa and create a simmering effect in your spa. This way you can easily find the jet to match your needs and wants.

Water jets

Brand Model Type of gasket Drill diameter Jet fixing
Rising Dragon Cluster Jet flat 23 mm (59/64") screw
HydroAir Duo Blaster none 23 mm (59/64") screw
Waterway Cluster Jet flat 25 mm (1") screw
CMP Cluster Jet flat 25 mm (1") screw
LVJ 50 mm lip 25 mm (1") screw
LVJ Mini lip 37 mm (1"3/8) screw
CMP Typhoon 200 lip 37 mm (1"3/8) clip-on
Rising Dragon 2-inch lip 37 mm (1"3/8) screw
Waterway Cluster Storm lip 37 mm (1"3/8) clip-in
Waterway Mini Jet lip 43 mm (1"3/4) clip-on
Mini Jet lip 43 mm (1"3/4) screw
LVJ Small lip 46 mm (1"7/8) À visser
Balboa Micro VSR lip 52-53 mm (2"3/16) clip-in
LVJ Medium flat 52-53 mm (2"3/16) screw
Waterway Mini Storm flat 52-53 mm (2"3/16) clip-in
Mini Storm flat 52-53 mm (2"3/16) screw
Mini Storm lip 57 mm (2"1/4) clip-in
Mini Storm lip 57 mm (2"1/4) screw
Rising Dragon 3-inch lip 55 mm (2"5/32) screw
CMP Typhoon 300 lip 59 mm (2"5/16) clip-in
HydroAir Eyeball lip 60 mm (2"5/16) screw
Pentair Luxury Cyclone lip 62 mm (2"5/8) clip-in
LVJ Regular flat 65 mm (2"5/8) screw
Waterway Poly Storm flat 65 mm (2"5/8) clip-in
Poly Storm flat 65 mm (2"5/8) screw
Poly Storm lip 68 mm (2"11/16) clip-in
Poly Storm lip 68 mm (2"11/16) screw
Waterway Poly Jet flat 66 mm (2"19/32) screw
CMP Typhoon 400 lip 69 mm (2"3/4) clip-in
LVJ Large flat 81 mm (3"1/4) screw
HydroAir 3-port Butterfly flat 83 mm (3"21/64) screw
CMP Typhoon 500 lip 93 mm (3"7/8) clip-in
Rising Dragon 5-inch flat 93 mm (3"7/8) screw
Waterway Power Storm lip 93 mm (3"7/8) clip-in
Power Storm lip 93 mm (3"7/8) screw
LVJ XL flat 93 mm (3"7/8) screw
Waterway Whirlpool lip 93 mm (3"7/8) clip-in
Waterway Jumbo Storm lip 146 mm (5"3/4) clip-in
LVJ Stainless lip 33 mm (1"3/16) screw

Air jets

Brand Model Type of gasket Drill diameter
HydroAir Brass flat 12 mm (15/32")
Waterway Multi-Body flat 15 mm (19/32")
Waterway Lo-Pro 3/8" o-ring 18-19 mm (23/32")
Waterway Lo-Pro 3/4" flat 18-19 mm (23/32")
Balboa Lo-Pro o-ring 18-19 mm (23/32")
Waterway Ozonator flat 18-19 mm (23/32")
CMP Galaxy flat 21 mm (53/64")
HydroAir Ozonator lip 22 mm (55/64")
Rising Dragon Inox o-ring 22 mm (55/64")
Astral Pool Elbowed lip 26 mm (1")
Astral Pool Straight flat 26 mm (1")
Spa France Standard o-ring 26 mm (1")
Pentair Standard lip 26 mm (1")
Waterway Top-Flo flat 30 mm (1"9/64)
Waterway Top-Flo LED o-ring 30 mm (1"9/64)