Tubs Parts summer sales and special offers: up to 50% off on selected items until July 23!

Legal information about Tubs Parts

Tubs Parts is an online shop belonging to Mont Blanc Spas SARL, a limited liability company under French law, whose headquarters is located at 380 rue des Prés, 74300 Cluses, France. The statutory capital of Mont Blanc Spas SARL is 400,000 €, and the company is registered at the RCS (French company registry) in Annecy, Haute Savoie, with registration number 504 255 704.

Intellectual Property

The content of this web site, including text, model numbers, illustrations, photographs, logos and videos, is copyrighted and is protected by intellectual property law. Most of the intellectual property belongs to Mont Blanc Spas, and the remainder is used with permission of the owners. The same is true of the database that supports the web site.

The content of the Tubs Parts is protected by French and European intellectual property law, as well as international agreements governing copyright. You may not reproduce, sell, publish or communicate in any other form the copyrighted material on the Tubs Parts web site without prior, specific, written permission from the copyright owner.


Company name: Mont Blanc Spas, SARL
Managing Director and website manager: Simon Mawby
Head office and main warehouse: 380 rue des Prés, 74300 Cluses, France
Telephone : +33 (0)482.533.689
E-mail: help@tubs.parts
Website: https://tubs.parts
Telephone reception hours: Monday to Friday, 9 am - noon and 2 pm - 5:30 pm
Intra-EU VAT number: FR35 504 255 704.
SIRET (headquarters registration number): 504 255 704 00034

Web hosting

This website is hosted by OVH, 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France