Water balance: pH and Total Alkalinity

Potential of hydrogen, or pH, is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a substance. Your spa water should have a pH between 7.2 and 7.6.

A low pH can cause skin irritation and discomfort, and in the long term it may even lead to corrosion of the spa equipment. A high pH will reduce the effectiveness of your disinfectant (particularly if you use a chlorine-based product), and can lead to calcium deposits on walls and pipework.

Ocedis pH Plus
pH Plus
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Ocedis O Spa pH Minus
pH Minus
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Ocedis Alcafix pH stabiliser
Alcafix pH Stabiliser
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Box of 6 Ocedis pH Plus
6 x pH Plus
10,50€ per unit
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Box of 6 Ocedis O Spa pH Minus
6 x O Spa pH Minus
11,35€ per unit
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Box of 6 Ocedis Alcafix pH stabiliser
6 x Ocedis Alcafix pH Stabiliser
11,45€ per unit
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Ondilo ICO Spa V2 connected water analyser
ICO Spa V2
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Ondilo ICO Pool V2 connected water analyser
ICO Pool V2
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