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Waterway NEO 2100 control system

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Waterway NEO 2100 control system - Click to enlarge
Waterway NEO 2100 control system - Click to enlarge
Waterway NEO 2100 control system - Click to enlarge

The NEO 2100 Waterway control system has an integrated 3 kW heater, and can handle a very wide variety of hot tub configurations, with different numbers of pumps. It works with the NEO 1100 keypad for relatively simple spas, and the NEO 2100 for more complex installations, combined with an AUX 1000 auxiliary keypad depending on the installation.

This base system covers most needs, but you can extend the system's capabailities with a DB1 or DB2 extension board, and/or a splitter cable.

The base NEO 2100 system without expansion board can handle the following elements:

With a circulation pump:

  • The circulation pump, obviously
  • Up to two dual-speed pumps OR one dual-speed pump and one single-speed pump OR three single-speed pumps
  • A blower
  • Ozonator
  • Light

Without a circulation pump

  • One two-speed pump
  • Another two-speed or single-speed pump
  • A third single-speed pump OR blower
  • Ozonator
  • Light

Use AMP plugs to connect each device (pump, ozonator, lighting, etc.) to the control box.

The Neo 2100 control system requires a minimum flow rate of 3400 litres / hour. It measure the flow rate using solid state temperature sensors, so that no mechanical parts are involved.

Heater length: 381 mm (a fairly standard size, similar to Balboa systems, for example)
Case width: 430 mm
Housing height: 310 mm
Case depth: 120 mm
Heater connection: Unions for 2-inch pipe (diameter 60 mm). The split nuts and gaskets are supplied with the system.

Keypads NEO 1100 only for cases without expansion board and NEO 2100.

2-year Tubs Parts warranty

Waterway: 777-NO00600


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